The Community Health Programme

Across Gwent, we understand that the different communities may need different types of support to access information and resources to make healthier choices around eating well and moving more to achieve a healthy weight.

To support this the new Community Health Programme is being piloted in Blaenau Gwent West and Caerphilly North, for adults with a BMI of 25-30, to provide support to individuals to offer advice on healthy weight including eating well and moving more. The programme will also connect individuals to digital and locally delivered services through the provision of motivation, support and signposting. The Community Health Programme will play an important role in supporting by:

• Ensuring information and advice to support adults in Blaenau Gwent West and Caerphilly North, who are motivated to achieve a
healthy weight can easily access information about services and support locally.
• Ensuring that individuals who may find accessing information and services about achieving a healthy weight challenging or
face barriers to access these services are provided additional support.

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